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Cleanliness and safety have always been a priority. Today even more.


We have improved the cleaning and reception procedures so that we can decrease the risk of spreading the virus.


Sono le sette. Il sole non ha ancora scavalcato la montagna e il pallido bagliore dei suoi primi raggi mattutini inizia ad illuminare le increspature dell'acqua.

Torbole, assopita e coperta dall'ombra che lentamente si ritrae, si stiracchia pigramente e si prepara ad una nuova giornata estiva.

Non fa freddo. Il Peler soffia ancora. Lo sguardo si apre, si libera e raggiunge la sbiadita estremità meridionale del lago, interrotto solo dalla presenza  delle ultime barche di pescatori, apparentemente immobili, e dal passaggio intrecciato delle vele. I piedi immersi nell'acqua e la canoa che scivola tremolante. Inizi a remare e, allontanandoti dalla riva, il tuo punto di vista cambia.

I rumori della strada si diradano e rimani da solo con i tuoi pensieri. L'unico suono che ti accompagna è quello della pagaia che affonda nell'acqua e della chiglia che rompe le onde.

Acceleri il ritmo. Attraversi le foci del Sarca e, costeggiando le spiagge rivane, raggiungi l'enorme parete della Ponale. Viri a sud e col vento in poppa arrivi finalmente alla grotta. Entri...

È proprio così che una giornata sul lago di Garda potrebbe cominciare.


Ventilation of rooms before and during cleaning procedures. Opening of all windows for air circulation for at least 20 minutes before the start of cleaning. Use of fans to increase ventilation.


Surface cleaning with soap and water to remove dirt, germs and impurities.

The cleaning operator washes and sanitizes hands before and after each cleaning session.; use soap and water, rubbing for at least 20 seconds; use a hand sanitizer (60% alcohol); wear protective clothing and PPE. The gloves are thrown away after each use. Hands are washed immediately after removing them.

Paper tissues, disinfectant wipes and other disposable cleaning products are used. Any reusable products (rags) are machine washed at the highest temperature allowed by the material.


Disinfection of surfaces with the use of chemicals such as bleach or alcohol to eliminate residual germs (solutions composed of diluted bleach for domestic use. Cleaning products with at least 70% alcohol and / or other disinfectants recognized effective for contrast the spread of the virus).


Social distancing of 1 m is observed. In case of group of people, the check-in and check-out procedures will be done only with one person.

The host wears mask and gloves

To facilitate and speed up the moment of check-in, the personal data necessary for registration with public authorities will be requested in advance.

Information and communications will be sent digitally. Brochures will not be displayed, but available on request.

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The Host

Alicia, Carolina and Matilde. Three generations, three different ways of seeing and experiencing the world. Grandmother, mother and daughter, all three curious, enterprising, lovers of travel, art and photography.


Contact us!

We will be happy to give you all the information you need.

Send us an email and we will get back to you very soon.

+39 333 6286139

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